Salesforce Commerce Developer Interview Questions

The Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer exam (CCD-101) course focuses on building the fundamentals of the core programming concepts, relevant files, and scripting language for Salesforce B2C Commerce. The Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer certification is designed for individuals who have experience as developers for Salesforce B2C Commerce Digital.

The job roles of a Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Developer candidate may include:

  • Front End Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Java or JavaScript Programmer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Support Engineer

Interview Questions

1. When do you use Sandbox instance?

Sandbox instances are where the developers work, so you can use a sandbox instance when you work with a developer to edit or create a new import or export process. Once they’ve tested the new process, the developer moves it from the sandbox to the staging instance for the individual to use.

2. When do you use Staging and Development instances?

The staging and development instances are used to import and export storefront data. The staging instance is where the data gets ready for transfer. After testing the storefront data and code in staging, it is replicated first to the development instance and then to the production instance. Moreover, the Development instance is used to verify that the transfer was successful before pushing it to production.

3. What are Schema Files?

Schemas are a set of object-specific XSD files that define how the XML import and export files must be structured. B2C Commerce only accepts XML import files formatted by these schemas. When a file is imported manually through Business Manager, B2C Commerce automatically validates it against its respective schema.

4. What are Elements and Attributes?

The schema rules take into consideration the nature of a particular object and its attributes. This gives a granular control over object-specific data, and it helps in better understanding of the data. That’s where elements and attributes come in. Elements are data objects and attributes describe those objects.

5. What are some element-specific rules to consider when importing a category element?

These are some element-specific rules to consider when importing a category element.

  • Category elements can appear in any order in the XML file.
  • A catalog’s root category isn’t deleted with the delete or replace modes. It’s updated with the replace mode.
  • Deleting a category deletes the category’s category assignments, category links, and all subcategories.
  • The root category’s display name and description are also set as the catalog’s display name and description.

6. What details should you keep in mind while importing a product element?

These are some element-specific details to consider when importing a product element.

  • Product elements can appear in any order in the XML file.
  • The bundle, product set, and master product types are mutually exclusive, so the bundled-products, product-set-products, and variation elements are also mutually exclusive.
  • You can’t specify variants of the bundle, product set, or master product types.
  • Variants and variation groups are owned by exactly one master product. You can change the ownership from one master product to another in a single import process.

7. What is Business Manager?

Business Manager is the Salesforce B2C Commerce online tool for configuring and managing B2C Commerce storefronts. However, this important tool is the command center for your B2C Commerce merchandising, administration, and site development capabilities.

8. How is storefront created and can a site have multiple storefronts?

Storefront is used to refer to a merchant website. In B2C Commerce, a site and its associated code combine to create a storefront. A storefront is the user’s online experience. Also, a site can have multiple storefronts.

9. What is the role of merchandisers and administrators?

Merchandisers configure site data, such as products, images, campaigns, promotions, and search settings.

Whereas, Administrators configure B2C Commerce site settings, import and export site data, and roll out code and data changes.

10. What is the purpose of an Administration Tab?

In this tab, the administrator:

  • Imports and exports site data
  • Moves data and code to and from site instances
  • Manages customer lists and content libraries

11. What are the main elements of product data?

Product data includes pictures, videos, and specifications. Furthermore, Product data also includes tabs that shoppers click to explore the products they want, content that explains product concepts, and how-to’s to amuse or educate.

12. What is a Catalog?

A catalog is a collection of categories, products, and images. A company can have one or many catalogs. However, You can only assign one catalog—the storefront catalog—to your site.

13. What are Storefront and Standard catalogs?

In the storefront catalog, the category structure you create determines storefront navigation: the categories that group products, the products available in each category, and the product attribute displayed to the shopper.

A standard catalog owns the products and mirrors the organization of your inventory, fulfillment, or product management systems. If you want to manage your products in a catalog with the same structure as an external system or system of record, you create a standard catalog, which you don’t assign to a site.

14. What is Variation Group Product?

A group of products that share an attribute, such as color or size. The variation group belongs to a master product.

15. Explain an option Product.

Optional accessories, upgrades, or the like that come with a product, yet have a separate price and display name, and no thumbnail image. They are not separately orderable or searchable. An example is warranties for different time periods.

16. How many types of products are there?

There are 7 types of products namely- Standard, Master, Variation Group, Variation, Set, Bundle, and Option.

17. How does a Merchandiser create a content Slot?

A merchandiser starts by designing the overall storefront layout. This person defines the page templates needed, content placement on the pages, and how content should appear in individual slots. They use Business Manager to configure and schedule slot configurations. Content slot templates are stored in a special slot folder on the server for easy retrieval.

18. How many types of slots are there in Business Manager?

In Business Manager, merchandisers configure three types of slots for use in a storefront: global, category, or folder. The type defines which templates Salesforce B2C Commerce uses on the storefront.

For global slots, B2C Commerce checks all templates in the slot folder. For category and folder slots, B2C Commerce only checks the templates that are specified in the category or folder configurations.

If the Document Content Search setting is enabled, users can perform a full-text document search. When a new document is uploaded or an old one is replaced, its contents are available as search terms to retrieve the document. However, this setting applies only to searches for the document object.

20. What is the importance of Attributes? Give some examples.

Data attribute types help control how the application processes the data. For example, use integers for product inventory counts, because merchants don’t sell partial products. The money data type (another example) pays close attention to how localized currency is processed.

There are many types of attributes like string, integer, HTML, Email, Boolean, Money, Password etc.

21. What is The Developer Console?

The Developer Console is a collection of tools that you can use to create, debug, and test applications in your Salesforce organization. The Developer Console provides a number of panels dedicated to analyzing performance. Based on detailed execution logs, which you can open by using the Log Inspector associated with the Logs tab. Through this, you can view the graphical timeline of the overall request, the aggregated performance of an operation, and statistics on governor limits, as well as drill down to the executed units. 

22. What are debug Logs?

A debug log records database operations, system processes, and errors that occur when you execute a transaction. The system generates a debug log for a user every time that user executes a transaction that is included in the filter criteria. Furthermore, The level of detail each log contains can be adjusted. Although the debug log files appear as plain text, it is difficult to interpret their raw log lines. 

23. Define Workbench.

Workbench is a powerful, Web-based suite of tools available from the Developer Force community. Designed for administrators and developers, this tool allows you to describe, query, manipulate, and migrate both data and metadata in organizations directly in their Web browser interface. Workbench also provides many advanced features for testing and troubleshooting the APIs.

24. What are the basic kinds of flow resources available in Flow Builder?

Constant Represents a fixed value, such as a tax rate. Choice, Picklist Choice Set, or Record Choice Set represents an option in a screen component. With the choice resource, you explicitly set each option’s label and value.

Choice sets, on the other hand, generate choices for you by using a filtered list of records or the values of a picklist (or multi-select picklist) field in your org.

25. When the Flow user selects an account what is the value of the screen component and where is the account ID stored?

When the flow user selects an account:

  • The value of the screen component is set to the choice value (1): the ID of the selected account.
  • The selected account ID is stored in the {!contact} record variable (2).

26. What are Checkpoints?

Checkpoints are similar to breakpoints in that they reveal a lot of detailed execution information about a line of code. They just don’t stop execution on that line.

27. What are Controllers?

Controllers are server-side scripts that handle storefront requests. They manage the flow of control in your application, and create instances of models and views to process each storefront request and generate an appropriate response. For example, clicking a category menu item or entering a search term triggers a controller that renders a page. You can use the controller to create a URL to Page Designer pages.

28. What are the Three attributes that the banner.json file defines?

The banner.json file defines three attributes that the merchandiser can set: an image file, alt text, and size.

29. What are Script Files?

The script file includes a render function that returns the markup for the page. One can assemble the markup using any process he wants, as long as the result is a string. Typically, the render function calls an ISML template to which it passes information about the page or component type and its content. However, If you use an ISML template, you must use the dw.util.Template API to render the markup from it.

30. What is the difference between context.component and context.content?

context.component is the currently rendered component while context. content are the  attributes defined in the meta definition file for the component and then configured by the merchandiser in Page Designer 

31. What are JSON files?

SON (JavaScript Object Notation) meta definition files describe the page types and component types. Each page type and component type requires one meta definition file with a .json extension.

  • A page-type meta definition file describes the regions on the page where you can place components.
  • A component-type meta definition file describes the component type’s attributes. They can also define regions.

32. What are ISML templates?

ISML templates define how data and page information is transformed into HTML-based web pages. These pages are rendered on the browser using CSS for page layout and styling and B2C Commerce form definitions for data display and verification. Templates are coded in the Internet Store Markup Language (ISML) that dynamically generates HTML.

33. How does CSRF settings improve security?

Protects against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by modifying non-setup pages to include a random string of characters in the URL parameters or as a hidden form field. With every GET and POST request, the application checks the validity of this string of characters and doesn’t execute the command unless the value found matches the expected value. This setting is selected by default.

34. What happens when a Lightening component extends another component?

When a component extends another component it inherits all of the helper methods and attributes. It also has the ability to call super component controller actions. All event handlers in the super component are inherited by the sub component. Additionally, they can both handle the same event, but the ordering of handler execution is not defined. However, By default, components are not extensible, just like Apex classes are not. In such cases you have to set a value of true for the extensible attribute of the aura:component.

35. Give Steps on how to Create Trace Flags in Setup?

  1. From Setup, enter Debug Logs in the Quick Find box, then click Debug Logs.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the entity to trace, the time period during which you want to collect logs, and a debug level. A debug level is a set of log levels for debug log categories: Database, Workflow, Validation, and so on. You can reuse debug levels across your trace flags.

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