Scenario Based Interview Questions

1)Why we cannot pass objects as arguments in future method?

==>Object data might change between the time you call the future method and the time it actually executes.So,we pass record id.

2)IF downtime occurs and future method was running what will happen?
==>The Future method execution will be rolled back and will restart after downtime overs.

3)IF the future method was queued before a service maintenance what will happen?
==>It will remains in queue and when maintenance is over and resources are available it will getexecute.

4)If the batch is executed without the optional scope parameter and If in batch apex suppose we have 600 jobs and there are total 200 records to be proceeds in each transaction,so in total we have 3 transaction.If first transaction succeeds but second fails so in this case the records update done in first transaction are rolled back or not?
==>It will not be rolled back.

5)When to use Database.Stateful   in batch apex?

If we implements Database.Stateful we can maintained state across transactions.
Only instance variable hold values static members does not hold values.

suppose we have 600 jobs and there are total 200 records to be proceeds in each transaction,so if we want to count records as batch proceeds maintaining state is important as after 200 set of records new transaction will start and members will loose their values. By implementing 
Database.Stateful we can maintain state after transaction is over and can store previous values.


global class myClass implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful{


6)What are the parameters in system.schedule(Parameters) represents?

system.schedule(‘jobName‘, expression, instance of schedulable class);
JobName  represents the name for the job,
expression represents time and date at which batch should run,
“instance of schedulable class” represents instance of class  which need to be schedule.

7)With the before Insert event which context variable is correct or Trigger.newmap?

As the event is before insert only will be supported.

Trigger.newmap will not be supported as we do not have id of record before the record is inserted.

8)What will you do if a method inside apex class need to be executed only when it is getting called from trigger?

We will use trigger.isexecuting in apex class to check if the method inside apex class is getting called from trigger and will execute the method if getting called from trigger.

9)What will happen if you forgot to store remote site url in remote site setting?

The callout  to external system will fail.

10) How to query object having more than 50,000 records?

The total number of records that can be queried by soql queries is 50,000 record. If we query more than 50,000 record we exceeds the heap limit.

To avoid this we should use SOQL query for loop it can process multiple batches of record using call to query and query more.

for (List acct : [SELECT id, name FROM account                            WHERE name LIKE ‘Test’]) {    // Your logic here}

//A runtime exception is thrown if the below query returns enough records to exceed your heap limit.
Account[] accts = [SELECT id FROM account];
11) Is it possible to call a batch class  from trigger and is it possible to make a call to apex callout method from trigger?
Yes it is possible to call a batch class from trigger but in case of call to apex callout method the method needs to be asynchronous.

12) Why we should avoid using SeeAllData=true in test class?
It might happen that the test class pass in sandbox but fails in production if we do not have the same record in production.

13) If we are using @testSetup in test class and let say we have two test methods in the same test class which are using the data from @testSetup and performing operations on data, so in this let say if i am updating data from @testSetup in first test method and also using the data from @testSetup in  second test method whether i will get the fresh data or the updated data in second test method.
operation done on the records from @testSetup are local to the test method only, so i will get fresh data in second test method as well.
Sample example:
@isTestPublic class testclass{ @testSetup static void testsettingup() { contact obj=new contact(); obj.firstname=’test’; obj.lastname=’data’; insert obj;
 } static testmethod void testmethodname() //No parameter inside test method { test.starttest(); contact obj1=new contact(); obj1=[Select id,firstname from contact where firstname=’test’];
 obj1.firstname=’test1′; update obj1;// operation done on the records from @testSetup are local to this test method only.
 test.stoptest(); }}

14) How many times a test method can call test.starttest() and test.stoptest()?
Each test method can call start test and stop test only once, but number depends on the number of test methods in test class.

15) What will happen if a class is not declared with “With sharing” or “Without sharing” and it get called from another class which is declared with “With sharing”?
If we do not declare class with “With sharing” or “Without sharing”  the class will not take into account the sharing rules but if this class is called from another class which is declared with “With sharing” it will take into account the sharing rules.

16) IF the class with “With sharing” is calling method of another class with “Without sharing” what will happen?
IF the class with “With sharing” is calling method of another class with “Without sharing” than the method inside “Without sharing” class will execute without sharing rules.

17) IF the class with “Without sharing” is calling method of another class with “With sharing”what will happen?
IF the class with “Without sharing” is calling method of another class with “With sharing” than the method inside “With sharing” class will execute with sharing rules.

18)Let say user do not have permission on a child object and he is having permission on parent object to read/create/edit/delete parent object,If I create a trigger on parent object to insert a child record after parent record is created,will it create a child record or not after user insert parent record manually?
It will create a child record. (Trigger/apex class runs in system mode)

19)If in (question 18) from trigger I am calling apex class which is in “with sharing” mode and where i am inserting child record after parent is inserted manually by user so will it create a child record?

It will create a child record.(With sharing keyword has nothing to do with user permissions).

20) What will happen if we forgot to enable mydomain?

  We must deploy My Domain in our org if you want to use Lightning components otherwise we would not be able to see the output of lightning components.

21) What are the different type of pages we can create using lightning component and what are the 
  different types of component supported in lightning pages?

  We can create different types of pages using lightning app builder,

1)App Page
2)Home Page
3)Record Page

Components type supported in Lightning pages:

1) Standard Components:

Standard components are Lightning components that are built by Salesforce.

2) Custom Components:

Custom components are Lightning components we creates.

3) Third-Party Components on AppExchange

On AppExchange we can find packages containing components that are ready to use in lightning app builder.

  22) What are required parameter while declaring attribute in lightning component?

  Name and type are parameter of attribute which are always required in attributes,description is another parameter where we can mentioned about description of attribute.Description is not an required attribute. Similarly we have default parameter to give some default value to attribute.To set the access for an attribute we have access parameter where we can specify about public,private,global access for an attribute.By default the attribute have public access.

23) Which type of attribute we can use in lightning component to store fractional values?


 24) When to use Decimal type attribute in lightning component?

  Decimal is better than Double for maintaining precision for floating-point calculations.
  It’s preferable for currency fields.

25) Let say we are storing some default values in map attribute. 

How to retrieve value from this attribute?

  Retrieve values by using cmp.get(“v.Mapattribute”)[‘1’].

26) To form a container around a information related to single item or group of item what we need to use in lightning component?


27) How to obtain the id of the current record in lightning component?

  By using force:hasRecordId interface in lightning component we can assigned the id of the current record to lightning component. This interface adds an attribute named “recordId” to the component. The type of attribute is string and has 18-character Salesforce record ID.

  28) you are asked to override the standard action using lightning component how you will achieve this?

   Lightning:actionOverride  interface Enables a component to be used as an override for a standard action. We can override the View,New, Edit, and Tab standard actions on most standard and all custom components. The component needs to implement the interface Lightning:actionOverrideafter which the component appear in the Lightning Component Bundle menu of an object action Override Properties panel.

29) Which interface you will implement in lightning component if you want your component to be available only for record detail page?

   Interface flexipage:availableForRecordHome make the component available for record pages only.

30) you are asked to create a component for some requirement and create a tab for the same in lightning experience what you will do to achieve this?

   Interface force:appHostable in component allow it to be used as a custom tab in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app.

31) On load of lightning component you are required to execute some action what you will do to achieve this?

   We will use “Init” Event which is also called as the constructor of lightning component.The init event is called once the component construction is over.

   Basic Syntax:

32) you are asked to execute some action when value change is detected in one of the attribute what will you do?

  We will use “change” Event.

  The change event is called when the value in one of the attribute changes.
  As an Example If i am having  attribute ” Anyname”, on change of attribute “Anyname” if i want to call javascript method i can do this as:


33) You are having a requirement to pass value from child component to parent component which type of event you will use?

 We will use Component event. Component event are used in case when there is a relationship between component. Component Events are fired by the child components and handled by the parent component.

34) You are having a requirement to pass value from one component to other component which are not related but a part of same application which type of event you will use?

 We will make use of Application event. Application event are the event handle by any component no matter what relationship between them but they should
 be inside single application.

35) Explain the event propagation rule for application event and component event?

Event Propagation Rules

 36) You are calling child component from Parent component and passing one of the attribute value from Parent component to child component attribute while calling child. What will you do if you want to binding both parent and child component attribute?

   I will make use of bound expression,

AttributeNameFromChild=”{!v.AttributeNameFromParent}” is a bound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component also changes the value of parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.

37) You are calling child component from Parent component and passing one of the attribute value from Parent component to child component
 attribute while calling child. What will you do if you do not want to bind parent and child component attribute?

    I will make use of unbound expression,

AttributeNameFromChild=”{#v.AttributeNameFromParent}” is a Unbound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component has no effect on the value of
parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.

38) You are in a need of passing a value from Parent component controller to Child component controller what will you do?

   We will make use of Aura:method.

39) How to ensure field level security while working with lightning components?

Make use of Lightning:recordForm or Standard controller of lightning component (force:recordData).

40) How to use lightning component with visualforce page?

Make use of lightning Out feature.

41) Lightning component is what type of framework?

It is a component based framework.  It is an event driven architecture. It can called as a MVCC framework which has two controller, one is client side and other is server side.

42) How to use lightning component with salesforce mobile app?

Make a tab for lightning component and include this tab in Salesforce1 mobile navigation.